Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works

Antique_Phonograph_inside_of_a_26_Madame_Hendren_Doll_Works_01_mvne Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works

Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
This is a working Madame Hendren 26 inch Talking Doll. These dolls used a changeable cylinder phonograph record to talk with a crank spring wind mechanism. Comes with one cylinder. Made just about the time that records were becoming mainstream around 1918. Some coloring flaking off composition doll but it is all there including the hair. Nice brown sleepy eyes with blonde hair. Check out photos and video, what you see is what you get.
Antique Phonograph inside of a 26 Madame Hendren Doll. Works
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